Experiential Avoidance, Self-compassion, Self-judgment and Coping Styles in Infertility
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Cunha, Marina
Galhardo, Ana
Pinto-Gouveia, José
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Swedish Association of Midwives
Objectives: This study sought out to explore the existence of differences regarding emotion regulation processes (psychological inflexibility/experiential avoidance,self-judgment and self-compassion) and coping styles (emotional/detached, avoidant and rational) in three different groups of couples: 120 fertile couples(FG), 147 couples with an infertility diagnosis who were pursuing medical treatment for their fertility problem(s) (IG), and 59 couples with infertility applying for adoption (AG).
Study design: Cross-sectional survey, using the couple as unit of analysis.
Main outcome measures: Participants filled in paper-pencil questionnaires assessing coping styles, psychological inflexibility/experiential avoidance, self-judgment and self-compassion.
Results: IG couples, and particularly women, tend to use more experiential avoidance and self-judgment mechanisms and less emotional/detached coping style. When compared to FG couples, IG and AG couples tend to apply more avoidant coping strategies. AG couples showed higher self-compassion.
Conclusions: Findings suggest that emotion regulation processes may be an important target in psycho-logical interventions for patients dealing with infertility and with the demands of medical treatment.
Estilos de Coping - Coping styles, Infertilidade - Infertility, Evitamento experiencial/inflexibilidade psicológicos - Psychological inflexibility/experiential avoidance, Auto-compaixão - Self-compassion, Auto-juízo - Self-judgment
Cunha, M., Galhardo, A. & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2016). Experiential Avoidance, Self-compassion, Self-judgment and Coping Styles in Infertility. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 10, 41-47. doi:10.1016/j.srhc.2016.04.001