Repositório ISMT
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga
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The Impact of Greenwashing on Sustainability through Green Supply Chain Integration: the moderating role of information sharing
(Springer Nature, 2024-05-11) Santos, Célia; Coelho, Arnaldo; Cancela, Beatriz Lopes
This study investigates the impact of greenwashing on sustainability through the effects of green supply chain integration, considering the moderating role of information sharing. The research proposes a theoretical model tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) and a multigroup analysis to understand the moderating role of information sharing. Hypotheses were tested in a sample of 312 key respondents from Portuguese buying firms that perceived greenwashing practices in their suppliers. Results indicate that greenwashing negatively affects green supply chain integration, while green supply chain integration enhances sustainability performance. This effect is stronger when information-sharing pressure is higher. The study underscores the importance of actively addressing greenwashing to improve green supply chain integration, especially when sustainability is the desired outcome. The research’s novelty lies in its contributions to building sustainable companies through green supply chain integration, trust, and partner communication.
A Systematic Literature Review on Greenwashing and its Relationship to Stakeholders: state of art and future research agenda
(Springer Nature, 2023-03-09) Santos, Célia; Coelho, Arnaldo; Marques, Alzira
The interest in greenwashing has grown in recent decades. However, comprehensive, and systematic research concentrating on the evolution of this phenomenon, specifically regarding its impacts on stakeholders, is still needed. The main purpose of this study is to provide an overview and synthesis of the existing body of knowledge on greenwashing, through a bibliometric study of articles published up to 2021, identifying the most relevant research in this field. Special attention is given to the latest articles that link greenwashing to stakeholders, identifying gaps and future research opportunities. A bibliometric analysis and literature review was performed on 310 documents obtained from the Web of Science database, using the VOSviewer software program. This article identifies the most influential aspects of greenwashing literature (authors, articles, journals, institutions, and keyword networks). The most recent articles on the effect of greenwashing on stakeholders were also analyzed, which made it possible to identify trends, gaps, and opportunities for future research. These topics include greenwashing impacts on branding, consumer attitudes and intentions, mainly on purchase behavior, B2B relationships and the definition of taxonomy for greenwashing, considering the different practices. This study offers a thorough analysis on the state-of-the-art, as well as a closer look at the impacts of greenwashing on various stakeholders, providing a list of suggestions for future research.
Adaptação e Validação da Versão Portuguesa da Family Economic Strain Scale (FESS-PT)
(ISMT, 2024-09) Rodrigues, Bárbara Filipa Cordeiro; Fonseca, Gabriela (Orientadora)
Atendendo à complexidade dos desafios económicos que atualmente afetam as populações, compreender como é que famílias portuguesas experienciam stress económico assume extrema relevância. A investigação empírica tem consistentemente mostrado que o stress económico pode influenciar de forma significativa o funcionamento das famílias, trazendo implicações negativas para as suas relações e para o seu bem-estar. A Family Economic Strain Scale (FESS) é uma medida de autorrelato que visa avaliar o stress económico – i.e., a avaliação pessoal que cada indivíduo faz perante a sua situação financeira. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo adaptar e validar a versão portuguesa da FESS (FESS-PT) e examinar a sua estrutura fatorial e qualidades psicométricas. Preliminarmente, a aplicabilidade dos itens originais da escala no contexto atual português foi discutida num grupo focal, o qual informou o desenvolvimento da versão final da FESS-PT. Participaram 205 sujeitos (70,2% do sexo feminino), com idades compreendidas entre os 22 e os 79 anos (M = 43,14; DP = 11,63). Através de uma análise fatorial exploratória, constatou-se que a FESS-PT é composta por duas dimensões: preocupações financeiras e perceção da adequação financeira. Verificou-se que tanto a escala global, como as duas dimensões, apresentaram uma boa consistência interna. Os resultados do teste-reteste, com uma subamostra de 30 participantes, confirmaram a estabilidade temporal da FESS-PT. Foram também encontradas correlações positivas e fortes entre a FESS-PT e a subescala das preocupações financeiras de Conger e Elder, o que contribui para o estabelecimento da sua validade convergente. Em suma, a versão portuguesa da FESS demonstrou ser uma medida válida e fiável, a qual poderá ser usada em estudos futuros na área do stress económico familiar. | Given the complexity of the economic challenges currently affecting populations, understanding how Portuguese families experience economic stress is of extreme relevance. Empirical research has consistently shown that economic stress can significantly influence family functioning, bringing negative implications for their relationships and well-being. The Family Economic Strain Scale (FESS) is a self-report measure designed to assess economic strain, i.e., one’s personal evaluation of their financial situation. The main objective of the present study was to adapt and validate the Portuguese version of the FESS (FESS-PT) and examine its factor structure and psychometric properties. The applicability of its original items was preliminarily tested for the current Portuguese context through a focus group, which informed the development of the final version of the FESS-PT. A total of 205 individuals (70.2% female) aged between 22 and 79 years (M = 43,14; SD = 11,63) participated in the study. Results from exploratory factor analysis indicated that the FESS-PT is composed of two dimensions: financial worries and perception of financial adequacy. Both the overall scale and the two dimensions showed good internal consistency. Test-retest results, with a subsample of 30 participants, confirmed the temporal stability of the FESS-PT. Positive and strong correlations were also found between the FESS-PT and the financial concerns subscale developed by Conger and Elder, contributing to the establishment of its convergent validity. In summary, the Portuguese version of the FESS proved to be a valid and reliable measure, which can be used in future studies in the field of family economic stress.
Desafios da Coparentalidade Pós-Divórcio: o papel do conflito e da resiliência familiar
(ISMT, 2024-10) Pimenta, Adriana Isabel Coelho; Fonseca, Gabriela (Orientadora)
O divórcio é visto como uma crise que desorganiza a estrutura familiar, exigindo uma reconfiguração dos papéis e das relações dentro do núcleo familiar. A coparentalidade e a qualidade das interações entre ex-cônjuges pode ser fortemente influenciada pelo nível de conflito existente entre os pais, impactando as dinâmicas familiares e o bem-estar dos filhos. Focado nos processos interparentais no pós-divórcio, o presente estudo pretende analisar as associações entre o conflito no divórcio, a coparentalidade e a resiliência familiar. Participaram neste estudo 100 indivíduos (34 pais e 66 mães), com idades entre 24 e 64 anos, que vivenciaram um processo de separação ou divórcio. Os resultados indicaram que níveis mais elevados de conflito no divórcio estavam associados a menores níveis de cooperação, e a valores mais elevados de triangulação e conflito na relação coparental. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que a resiliência familiar estava positivamente relacionada com a cooperação entre pais, sugerindo que uma coparentalidade funcional pode atuar como um fator protetor no contexto de famílias divorciadas. As implicações deste estudo apontam para a importância de intervenções que promovam a cooperação entre os ex-cônjuges e minimizem a exposição das crianças ao conflito, reforçando a resiliência e o bem-estar familiar. | Divorce is seen as a crisis that disrupts the family structure, requiring a reconfiguration of roles and relationships within the family unit. Co-parenting and the quality of interactions between ex-spouses can be strongly influenced by the level of conflict between the parents, impacting family dynamics and children's well-being. Focused on the interparental processes after divorce, the present study aims to analyze the associations between divorce conflict, co parenting, and family resilience. This study involved 100 individuals (34 fathers and 66 mothers), aged between 24 and 64, who had experienced a process of separation or divorce. The results indicated that higher levels of divorce conflict were associated with lower levels of cooperation, and with higher levels of triangulation and conflict in the co-parenting relationship. Additionally, it was found that family resilience was positively related to cooperation between parents, suggesting that functional co-parenting can act as a protective factor in the context of divorced families. The implications of this study highlight the importance of interventions that promote cooperation between ex-spouses and minimize children's exposure to conflict, reinforcing family resilience and well-being.
The Doors that 'April Opened': Higher Education in Social Work in Portugal at the ISMT in Coimbra
(37th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities | Zenodo, 2024-10-10) Tomé, Maria Rosa; Simões, Dulce
The “Carnation Revolution” opened up Portugal to the world and 'invaded' the Schools of Social Work with an impact on the training of Portuguese Social Work (PSW) and Miguel Torga Institute of Higher Education (ISMT), allowing them to conquer academic and professional fields. This paper conducts a socio-historical analysis of training based on documents from the ISMT Archives and interviews with key personalities. It explores three significant periods that mark the evolution of training in PSW at ISMT in Coimbra: 1) 1974 to 1990: during this period, the secularization of training took place, education was democratized, and students gained social rights while participating in struggles for their training and profession; 2) 1990s: this period highlighted the recognition of the degree, which aled to the development of postgraduate training and research, expanding career opportunities and professional fields; 3) Post Bologna Process: this section addresses the changes imposed by the Bologna Process, which reduced the duration of training from five to four years in 2004 and further to seven semesters in 2007, resulting in substantial changes for training and the profession.