Repositório ISMT
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga
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Colour Applied to TEACCH and Snoezelen Rooms and Therapies
(Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa, 2019-03-15) Saes, Joana
How can colour be used in therapy rooms and in therapies? Colour is known to have influence in human behaviour, through the interaction between colour wavelengths and sensory stimuli in the environment, subconsciously influencing the human mind. A therapeutic space requires specific characteristics regarding the exercises to perform in such space as well as the participants involved. Colour is also considered as an ‘international language’ allowing people to express their preferences, their choices, and their emotions. Throughout the research we have attempted to answer the following questions: How can colour, introduced in games, equipment, objects, images and projections, be used as a teaching tool in a TEACCH room, as opposed to a Snoezelen room? How does a therapist work on specific skills with autistic children in a structured therapy environment such as TEACCH, in comparison to a non-directive therapy environment such as Soezelen? Research results indicate that colour is used in diverse ways in both environments, being the major differences the way in which it is introduced to the children, the objectives it aims, as well as the use of light in connection with the equipment.
Design in a Context of Social Equity: concerning therapy rooms in schools
(AHFE International, 2022) Saes, Joana; Guerreiro, Augusto
This paper, suggests a contemplation on the vital importance that design represents for the human being as an integrating factor in society, enabling safe therapeutic spaces in schools, aiming for social equity, in the context of the SARS CoV2 pandemic. Furthermore, we look upon the increase of mental disorders (anxiety and depression) among students, caused by quarantines, and how this could lead to greater demand for therapy spaces in schools. We also analyze examples of existing therapy rooms, and one project for a room, to be implemented in the same inclusive school. Reflecting on a concept of social design, from the observational point of view, of sensoriocognitive comfort, in their contemplation of the hypothetical, revitalizing and multisensory ergonomic enjoyment of its collective well-being.
Transforming Online Retail: the impact of augmented and virtual reality on consumer engagement and experience in e-commerce in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
(Journal of Lifestyle and SDGs Review, 2025-02-18) Cunha, Maria Nascimento
Purpose: This study aims to understand how these technologies enhance consumer experiences. The study also explores the role of AR and VR in promoting responsible consumption and sustainable production (SDG 12), reducing waste through better product visualization, and fostering digital inclusivity (SDG 9).
Design/Method/Approach: The methodologies analyzed include experimental designs, market analyses, and conceptual frameworks assessing the integration of AR and VR technologies in online retail.
Findings: The findings indicate that AR enhances online shopping through features such as virtual try-ons and spatial placement visualization, reducing return rates and increasing purchase confidence.
Theoretical Implications: This study contributes to consumer behavior research by applying value perception models, immersive technology frameworks, and engagement metrics to the e-commerce landscape.
Practical Implications: The research underscores the strategic importance of integrating AR and VR into digital marketing and e-commerce platforms. It suggests leveraging AR for product categories requiring spatial interaction and VR for high-detail product exploration. The study provides actionable insights for businesses looking to enhance online shopping experiences through immersive technologies while aligning with SDG objectives.
Originality/Value: This study offers a comprehensive synthesis of AR and VR applications in e-commerce, highlighting their potential to reshape online shopping.
Research Limitations/Future Research: Future research should explore the long-term effects of AR and VR adoption on consumer trust, loyalty, and behavioral changes and also examine the role of these technologies in achieving SDG targets related to responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and industry innovation (SDG 9).
Validation of a Shorter Adolescence Dissociative Experiences Scale (A-DES-9) in Portuguese Youth
(Departamento de Investigação & Desenvolvimento do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, 2025) Espirito-Santo, Helena; Grasina, Alexandra; Azedo, Diana; Simões, Sónia; Lemos, Laura
Esta base de dados apresenta os resultados de um estudo que avaliou a fiabilidade e a validade da versão portuguesa da Escala de Experiências Dissociativas para Adolescentes (A-DES-9) para jovens portugueses, como instrumento de avaliação de experiências dissociativas, emocionais e comportamentais. O banco de dados inclui informações demográficas e pontuações de experiências dissocativas que podem servir de referência para investigadores e profissionais de saúde que trabalham no campo da saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes. Uma vez preenchidos, os formulários de candidatura deverão ser enviados para, a fim de serem analisados. / This database presents the results of a study that assessed the reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale (A-DES-9) for Portuguese youth as an instrument for evaluating dissociative, emotional, and behavioral experiences. The database includes demographic information and dissociative experience scores, which may serve as a reference for researchers and healthcare professionals working in the field of mental health in children and adolescents.Once completed, application forms should be sent to for review.
Estas Prisões Não São para Velhos: envelhecimento, prisão e reinserção social: uma revisão da literatura
(Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação, 2023-08-31) Tomé, Maria Rosa; Seixo, Sara; Ribeiro, Sónia
Na contemporaneidade, um dos maiores desafios que se colocam é o elevado envelhecimento da população mundial. Este elevado envelhecimento reflete-se na população reclusa, também ela, cada vez mais, envelhecida. Nos últimos anos, a literatura científica tem vindo a demostrar a complexidade de problemáticas associadas ao envelhecimento populacional da população reclusa. Este trabalho de revisão literária reflete sobre o envelhecimento da população em reclusão, mais especificamente sobre os desafios que traz ao sistema prisional e à reinserção social desta população. Analisamos estatísticas internacionais, dissertações e relatórios estrangeiros e documentos oficiais do sistema prisional português. Conclui-se que os estudos relativos ao envelhecimento em contexto prisional são diminutos e que existe a necessidade de aprofundar a discussão e a defesa dos direitos desta população, bem como a necessidade de criar uma estratégia nacional para a reinserção social da população idosa detida, face ao contexto do neoliberalismo. | In contemporary times, one of the greatest challenges is the high aging of the world population. This high aging is reflected in the prison population, which is also increasingly aging. In recent years, the scientific literature has been demonstrating the complexity of problems associated with the aging of the prison population. This literary review work reflects on the aging of the population in prison, more specifically on the challenges it brings to the prison system and the social reintegration of this population. We analyzed international statistics, dissertations and foreign reports and official documents from the Portuguese prison system. It is concluded that studies on aging in a prison context are small and that there is a need to deepen the discussion and defense of the rights of this population, as well as the need to create a national strategy for the social reintegration of the elderly detained population, given the to the context of neoliberalism.