Repositório ISMT
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga
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Entradas recentes
Formação de Base dos Assistentes Sociais em Intervenção Precoce na Infância: conteúdos recomendados para uma formação eficaz
(ISMT, 2023-09) Cruz, Patrícia Isabel Henriques da; Menezes, Manuel (Orientador)
No contexto português o enquadramento legal da participação dos assistentes sociais em serviços de IP iniciou-se através do Despacho Conjunto n.º 891/99, de 19 de outubro que se salientou o caráter fundamental da integração do assistente social como membro das equipas multidisciplinares dos serviços de Intervenção Precoce na Infância. Foi através desta integração que se começou a questionar se a formação de base dos assistentes sociais seria suficiente e com competências facilitadoras para uma prática centrada na família, segundo o modelo preconizado pela Intervenção Precoce. Tendo-se esta formação inicial revelado insuficiente, foi necessário suprir possíveis lacunas nos contextos de intervenção, e neste sentido, os profissionais tiveram que recorrer à formação em serviço, para se sentirem mais aptos e para responderem de forma segura e responsável às necessidades das crianças/famílias que intervêm no âmbito da Intervenção Precoce na Infância. Os novos papéis requeridos ao profissional de intervenção precoce, exigem competências que não estão presentes nos seus programas de formação, o que pode requerer uma reestruturação nos programas de formação que se adeque aos princípios práticos preconizados na abordagem centrada na família. Segundo Gonçalves (2005), apesar de existirem Universidades Públicas e Escolas Superiores que trabalham com conteúdos promotores da intervenção precoce, estes não são suficientes para assegurar uma resposta satisfatória às competências legais requeridas aos profissionais. Neste sentido e por forma a identificar competências na formação de base de Serviço Social para a intervenção precoce na infância, foi necessário refletir acerca das práticas e sobre a análise do processo de formação, tendo em vista uma intervenção qualificada. Pensamos ser necessário a introdução de conteúdos que permitam aos futuros profissionais de Serviço Social responder aos desafios colocados quotidianamente pela intervenção precoce, designadamente com o modelo centrado na família. Assim, consideramos que seria importante revermos todas as unidades curriculares (UCs), das universidades, escolas e politécnicos, com intuito de perceber os conteúdos abordados na formação de base nos cursos de Serviço Social, tendo como intuito conhecer a formação inicial dos cursos de Serviço Social, na área de IPI, visando analisar os possíveis défices tendo em vista uma intervenção qualificada e eficaz, tentando ainda perceber a possível existência de lacunas ao nível da sua formação de base, bem como possíveis estratégias delineadas tendo em vista aquisição de conhecimentos que promovam o desempenho qualificado em intervenção precoce. O estudo empírico desta investigação, incidiu numa abordagem qualitativa, por recolha de dados, através da entrevista, assim, procedemos à circunscrição do universo à zona centro e posteriormente, o critério para a seleção da amostra foi a área de abrangência da ANIP. Assim, a nossa amostra engloba as ELIs dos distritos de Coimbra e Aveiro, compreendendo os cinco assistentes sociais que integram as equipas ANIP. Os resultados empíricos apresentados demonstram que apesar de existirem opiniões divergentes em algumas questões, os assistentes sociais, envolvidos neste estudo apresentam questões já levantadas pelos diversos autores, reforçando a ideia da necessidade de se rever ou reforçar conteúdos que ajudem os assistentes sociais a serem integrados na intervenção precoce de forma responsiva e mais qualificados. | In the Portuguese context, the legal framework for the participation of social workers in EI services began with Joint Dispatch No. 891/99, of October 19, which highlighted the fundamental character of the social worker's integration as a member of the multidisciplinary teams of the Early Childhood Intervention services. It was through this integration that it began to question whether the basic training of social workers would be sufficient and with facilitating skills for a practice centered on the family, according to the model advocated by Early Intervention. As this initial training proved to be insufficient, it was necessary to fill possible gaps in the intervention contexts, and in this sense, professionals had to resort to in-service training, to feel more able and to respond safely and responsibly to the needs of children/families that intervene in the context of Early Intervention in Childhood. The new roles required of the early intervention professional require skills that are not present in their training programs, which may require a restructuring of training programs that fit the practical principles advocated in the family-centered approach. According to Gonçalves (2005) who concluded that, although there are Public Universities and Higher Schools that work with content that promotes early intervention, these are not sufficient to ensure a satisfactory response to the legal skills required of professionals. In this sense, and in order to identify competences in the basic training of Social Work for early intervention in childhood, it was necessary to reflect on the practices and on the analysis of the training process, with a view to a qualified intervention, we believe that it is necessary to introduce contents that allow future Social Work professionals to respond to the daily challenges posed by early intervention, namely with the model centered on families. Thus, we believe that it would be important to review all curricular units (UCs), from universities, schools and polytechnics, with the aim of perceiving the contents addressed in basic training in Social Service courses, with the aim of knowing the initial training of Social Service courses, in the field of ECI, aiming to analyze the possible deficits with a view to a qualified and effective intervention, trying to understand the possible existence of gaps in terms of their basic training, as well as possible strategies outlined with a view to acquiring knowledge that promote the qualified performance in early intervention. The empirical study of this investigation, focused on a qualitative approach, by data collection, through the interview, thus, we proceeded to circumscribe the universe to the central zone and later, the criterion for the selection of the sample was the area covered by the ANIP. Thus, our sample encompasses the ELIs in the districts of Coimbra and Aveiro, in which the universe of the sample comprises the five social workers who form an integral part of the ANIP teams. The empirical results presented demonstrate that despite the existence of divergent opinions on some issues, the social workers involved in this study present questions already raised by the various authors, reinforcing the idea that there is a need to review or reinforce content that helps social workers. to be integrated into early intervention in a responsive and more qualified way.
Contemporaneidade no Exercício Profissional do Serviço Social: reflexão de uma prática profissional
(ISMT, 2023) Pires, Maria Helena Cunha; Ribeiro, Sónia (Orientadora)
O contexto social atual, com a crise económica e ambiental, tem conduzido a profundas alterações na vida dos cidadãos, nas organizações e na sociedade em geral. Esta dissertação apresenta uma reflexão sobre a prática profissional e os desafios impostos ao Serviço Social, resultante das várias alterações sociais e económicas, e da necessidade de readaptações constantes no desempenho profissional. As reflexões apontam para a necessidade de uma avaliação ponderada, formação e supervisão, no sentido de dar uma resposta mais eficaz e acertada às problemáticas emergentes, ao agravamento dos problemas sociais e à ausência ou insuficiência de respostas institucionais adequadas. Face aos novos desafios sociais que se apresentam, num período que se prevê durar e impactar a sociedade a médio e a longo prazo, esta dissertação apresenta alguns constrangimentos à prática do Serviço Social que avaliados e corrigidos poderão redefinir-se como contributos positivos no âmbito da intervenção social e no domínio das Políticas Sociais. | The current social context, with the economic and environmental crises, has been leading to profound changes in citizen’s lives, in organizations and in society in general. This Dissertation presents a reflection about the professional practice and the challenges imposed on Social Work, which result from various social and economical alterations, and from the need to constantly readapt professional performance. These reflections point to the necessity of a thoughtful evaluation, formation and work supervision, aiming to effectively and accurately answer to emerging issues, to the worsening of social problems, and to the absence or failure of adequate institutional responses. Considering the emergence of novel social challenges, in a period that is predicted to last in time and to have a significant medium and long term social impact, this Dissertation refers some constraints to Social Work. When properly evaluated and adjusted, these constraints can be redefined as positive contributions in the field of Social Intervention and in the domain of Social Policies.
O Funcionamento Esquizoparanóide e a Presença do "Duplo" na Metamorfose de Franz Kafka
(ISMT, 2023) Diogo, Diana Marques de Jesus; Farate, Carlos (Orientador)
A Metamorfose é uma obra literária escrita por Franz Kafka em 1912 e publicada pela primeira vez em 1915, que retrata a história de Gregor Samsa, um caixeiro-viajante que acorda transformado num inseto gigante. Nesta investigação explorou-se o funcionamento mental do protagonista a partir do conceito kleiniano de posição esquizoparanóide e do conceito de duplo, proposto e desenvolvido por Otto Rank. Este estudo recorreu a uma tripla estratégia: a recolha de dados biográficos do autor através de correspondências, diários e de outros manuscritos pertinentes para uma melhor compreensão do percurso existencial do escritor; a exploração e a análise da narrativa ficcional; a articulação e interpretação dos conteúdos ficcionais com os conceitos psicanalíticos acima referidos. Ao longo da análise da narrativa foi possível encontrar diversos elementos que corroboram a hipótese de um funcionamento mental em registo esquizoparanóide no personagem principal e da presença de um duplo, de caráter invasivo, que se expressa através de diversas personagens e que se apodera progressivamente do seu "criador" psíquico. Deste modo, A Metamorfose torna-se um objeto de análise psicológica valioso por constituir uma forma de associação livre, ao mesmo tempo que permite compreender os processos mentais do sujeito nas fases mais precoces do desenvolvimento. | The Metamorphosis is a literary work written by Franz Kafka in 1912 and first published in 1915, depicting the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who wakes up transformed into a giant insect. In this investigation, the mental functioning of the protagonist was explored based on the Kleinian concept of the schizoid-paranoid position and the concept of the double, proposed and developed by Otto Rank. This study employed a triple strategy: the collection of biographical data of the author through correspondence, diaries, and other relevant manuscripts for a better understanding of the writer's existential journey; the exploration and analysis of the fictional narrative; and the articulation and interpretation of the fictional contents with the aforementioned psychoanalytic concepts. Throughout the analysis of the narrative, several elements were found that corroborate the hypothesis of a mental functioning in the schizoid-paranoid register in the main character and the presence of an invasive double, expressed through various characters, progressively taking over his psychic "creator." Thus, The Metamorphosis becomes a valuable object of psychological analysis as it constitutes a form of free association while allowing an understanding of the subject's mental processes in the early stages of development.
Screening the Digital Landscape: Generation Z insights into employee perceptions of social media use in the workplace
(Dnipro National University, 2024-03-03) Cunha, Maria Nascimento; Pinto, Silvia Costa; Pereira, Manuel
Purpose: In the era of digital transformation, companies are increasingly utilizing social networks to enhance business dynamics. This study investigates Generation Z employee perceptions regarding the integration of social media platforms in the workplace. Design/Method/Approach: A quantitative approach done by the administration of a comprehensive online questionnaire, involving 152 professionals. Findings: Findings reveal that Generation Z employees consider engaging with the public as the most significant advantage of social networks, followed by the potential for swift and effective consumer communication, while broad access to information holds relatively less importance. Negative aspects cited include heightened competition in certain sectors, increased dependence on the Internet, and an excess of advertising. Respondents also identify key company objectives tied to social media adoption, emphasizing the importance of publicizing the company and brand, expanding customer bases, fostering business growth, and enhancing labour relations. Theoretical Implications: Negative aspects cited include heightened competition in certain sectors, increased dependence on the Internet, and an excess of advertising. Practical Implications: Respondents also identify key company objectives tied to social media adoption, emphasizing the importance of publicizing the company and brand, expanding customer bases, fostering business growth, and enhancing labour relations. Originality/Value: New approach to Generation Z Insights into Employee Perceptions of Social Media Use in the Workplace. Research Limitations/Future Research: A bigger sample would be Portugal's representative what is indeed important.
The Role of Brand Trust and Perceived Risk in Shaping Brand Experience: the case of a second-hand online marketplace
(International Business Information Management Association, 2022-05-30) Gabriel, Carla; Faria, Sílvia; Gomes, Sofia; Ferreira, Pedro
Massive use of the internet has changed the way individuals seek and purchase a wide variety of products and services. Current concerns about the planet's scarce resources, altogether, contribute to the trend towards a slow fashion and lower consumption of goods in general and the acceptance to buy second-hand products. This research aims to understand how brand trust and perceived risk influence the brand experience of an online marketplace of second-hand products. The study follows a hypothetical-deductive method. A questionnaire was applied to 185 participants of the online marketplace of second-hand products. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS and hypothesis were tested by a regression analysis model. Findings indicate that the lower the risk, the higher the brand experience and highlight that the higher the brand trust, the greater the brand experience. Despite being limited to a specific online marketplace of second-hand products, the research provides data to support the importance of such platforms in reducing risk, inducing brand trust, and contributing to a positive brand experience.