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- ItemAssessing psychological inflexibility in infertility: the development and validation study of the Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS-I)(Elsevier, 2020-09-19) Galhardo, Ana; Cunha, Marina; Monteiro, Bárbara; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséFacing an infertility diagnosis and the demands of infertility medical treatment has been widely recognized as a psychologically distressing condition and psychological inflexibility may be a relevant construct to better understand mental health in this population. In this context, the current study aimed to develop a new self-report measure, the Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS–I), and examine its factor structure and psychometric properties. Based on the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) conceptual framework, literature review and clinical expertise in the infertility domain, an initial pool of 18 items was developed. An online survey was conducted with 287 women presenting an infertility diagnosis. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed that a refined version of the PIS-I, encompassing 16 items, presented a single-component structure accounting for 58.92% of the variance. Psychometric analyses showed an excellent internal consistency and support for the PIS-I convergent, concurrent, and incremental validities was found. Overall, the PIS-I showed to be a context-specific reliable and valid measure of psychological inflexibility for people dealing with infertility, being useful for clinical and research purposes.
- ItemChild and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM): estudo das características psicométricas da versão portuguesa(Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2013) Cunha, Marina; Galhardo, Ana; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséO presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a versão portuguesa da Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) e o estudo da sua estrutura fatorial e características psicométricas numa amostra de 410 adolescentes com uma média de idades de 15,18 anos. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a CAMM constitui um instrumento de auto resposta que revela uma estrutura unidimensional, uma adequada consistência interna (α = 0,80; FC = 0,85) e fidedignidade teste-reteste (r = 0,46). Apresentou ainda correlações negativas com medidas de depressão, ansiedade, inflexibilidade psicológica e correlações positivas com uma medida de comparação social. O valor destas correlações, apesar de diminuir, manteve-se significativo quando controlado o efeito da inflexibilidade psicológica (processo associado ao mindfulness). Na generalidade, a CAMM é uma medida válida e fidedigna para avaliação de competências de mindfulness em crianças e adolescentes. / The aim of this study is to present the Portuguese version of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) and examine its factorial structure and psychometric properties in a sample of 410 adolescents with mean age of 15.18 years. Results show that the CAMM is a single-factor self-report measure, presenting an adequate internal consistency (α = .80; CR = .85) and test-retest reliability (r = .46). Negative correlations were found with measures of depression, anxiety and psychological inflexibility. On the other hand, positive correlations were found with measures of social comparison. Even when psychological inflexibility effects (process associated with mindfulness) were controlled, the correlations were still significant. Overall, findings suggest that the CAMM is a reliable and valid measure for the assessment of mindfulness skills in children and adolescents.
- ItemEscala de Centralidade do Acontecimento para Adolescentes(2011) Matos, Marcela; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Cunha, MarinaThe CES assesses the extent to which a memory for a stressful event (in this case a shame experience reported by each participant) forms a reference point for personal identity and to attribution of meaning to other experiences in a person's life. This self-report questionnaire consists of 20 items, rated on 5-point Likert scale (1-5), that measure three interdependent characteristics of a highly negative emotional event that load on to a single underlying factor: the extent to which the event is a central component of one's personal identity (e.g., "I feel that this event has become part of my identity."), is viewed as a landmark in one's life story (e.g., "I feel that this event has become a central part of my life story.") and acts as a reference point for inferences and attributions in everyday life (e.g., "This event has coloured the way I think and feel about other experiences.").
- ItemEscala de Experiências Precoces de Vida para Adolescentes (ELES-A)(2012) Pinto-Gouveia, José; Xavier, Ana; Cunha, MarinaThe ELES is a self-report instrument to measure emotional memories in one's family, linked to recall of feeling devalued, frightened and having to behave in a subordinate way. Whereas many recall of early life ask about recalling specific experiences or how one parent acted towards one, this scale asks about memories of personal feelings. This scale consists of 15 items and three subscales: (1) Threat (six items; e.g. ''I experienced my parents as powerful and overwhelming''); (2) Submissiveness (six items; e.g. ''I often had to give in to others at home''); and (3) Unvalued (three reversed items; e.g. ''I felt very comfortable and relaxed around my parents''). Participants were asked how frequently each statement was true for them and rated each item on a five-point measure (ranging from 1 = ''Completely untrue'', to 5 = ''Very true''). The scale can be used as a single construct or as three separate subscales.
- ItemEscala de Memórias Precoces de Calor e Segurança na interação com os Pares (EMPCS_Pares)(2017) Cunha, Marina; Ferreira, C; Duarte, C; Andrade, D; Marta-Simões, J; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséThe EMWSS_Peers included 21 itens rated on a 5-point Likert scale that assess warmth and safeness feelings in the interaction with peers. Respondents are prompted to reflect about their feelings and emotions throughout childhood and adolescence regarding their peer/friends group. This version is for use with adolescents and is a unidimensional instrument. No item is inverted.
- ItemEscala de Memórias Precoces de Calor e Segurança para Adolescentes (EMPCS-A)(2011) Cunha, Marina; Matos, Marcela; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Xavier, AnaThe EMWSS-A is a self-report questionnaire that measures recall of feeling warm, safe and cared for in childhood, i.e., early positive memories of warmth and affect (e.g., "I felt secure and safe"; "I felt that I was a cherished member of my family"). This is a 21-item scale rated on a 5-point Likert scale (0= No, never; 1= Yes, but rarely; 2= Yes, sometimes; 3= Yes, often; 4= Yes, most of the time). The confirmatory factor analysis of the Portuguese version of the EMWSS-A presented, like its original version, an interpretable single component structure, excellent estimated internal consistency, good test-retest reliability, and convergence with similar scales.
- ItemEscala de Preocupações durante a Procriação Medicamente Assistida (CART-P)(Laboratório de Psicologia, 2012-05-10) Galhardo, Ana; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Cunha, MarinaCARACTERIZAÇÃO: Escala desenvolvida com o objetivo de avaliar preocupações experienciadas pelas mulheres que se encontram a realizar tratamento médico para a infertilidade com recurso a técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida, mais precisamente, Fertilização In Vitro e Transferência Intratubar de Gâmetas. Entre estas preocupações, incluem-se as relacionadas com a anestesia, cirurgia, tempo de recuperação, efeitos secundários das hormonas, falta de informação, dor, aspetos financeiros, faltas ao trabalho e alcançar um bebé saudável. || ESTRUTURA E COTAÇÃO: Instrumento de auto-resposta composto por 9 itens com estrutura tri-fatorial: Fator 1 “Preocupações com os procedimentos médicos”, Fator 2 “Preocupações relacionadas com o trabalho”, Fator 3 “Preocupações com o sucesso do tratamento”. Os itens são respondidos numa escala de 3 pontos (1 = “Pouca ou nenhuma preocupação”; 2 = “Preocupação moderada”; 3 = “Preocupação extrema”), sendo solicitado às respondentes que assinalem qual o seu grau de preocupação em relação a cada um dos itens. || CARACTERÍSTICAS PSICOMÉTRICAS: A consistência interna de cada um dos fatores da CART-P foi calculada através do alfa de Cronbach, tendo sido obtido um valor de 0,69 para o Fator 1 “Preocupações com os procedimentos médicos”, de 0,45 para o Fator 2 “Preocupações relacionadas com o trabalho” e de 0,53 para o fator 3 “Preocupações com o sucesso do tratamento”. O valor de Fiabilidade Compósita para o Fator 1 foi de 0,79, para o Fator 2 de 0,60 e para o Fator 3 de 0,67. Atendendo a que, na generalidade, se considera que um valor de FC ≥ 0,70 corresponde a uma fiabilidade de construto adequada, constata-se que o Fator 1 da CART-P se enquadra neste critério, não se verificando o mesmo para os Fatores 2 e 3.
- ItemEscala de Respostas Ruminativas para Adolescentes(2012) Pinto-Gouveia, José; Dinis, Alexandra; Xavier, Ana; Cunha, MarinaThe RRS is a 10-item scale that measures the individuals' tendency to ruminate when in a sad or depressed mood. This scale comprises two subscales: brooding (5 items) and reflection (5 items). To the statement "what you generally do, not what you think you should do when feel down, sad or depressed" respondents rated each item on a 4 point scale (1 = "almost never" to 4 = "almost always"). Thus, scores may range between 10 and 40, with higher scores indicating higher levels of ruminative responses styles.
- ItemEscala de Vergonha Externa para Adolescentes - versão breve (OASB-A)(2014) Cunha, Marina; Xavier, Ana; Cherpe, Sónia; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséThe OAS-2 is a shortened version of the Other as Shamer Scale and consists of 8 items that assess external shame (i.e., global judgments of how people think others view them). Respondents are asked to indicate the frequency on a 5-point scale (0 = Never; 4 = Almost always) of their feelings and experiences to items such as ''Other people see me as small and insignificant''
- ItemEscalas dos Atributos e Ações Compassivas - Adaptação para adolescentes(2017) Cunha, Marina; Matos, Marcela; Gilbert, Paul; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Duarte, CristianaThe Compassionate Attributes and Actions Scale (CAAS) aims to assess compassion on three directions: self-compassion (SCS), compassion to others (CTOS) or compassion received from others (CFOS). Each scale assesses one´s compassionate attributes and compassionate actions separately when dealing with difficult or painful situations
- ItemExperiential Avoidance, Self-compassion, Self-judgment and Coping Styles in Infertility(Swedish Association of Midwives, 2016-12) Cunha, Marina; Galhardo, Ana; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséObjectives: This study sought out to explore the existence of differences regarding emotion regulation processes (psychological inflexibility/experiential avoidance,self-judgment and self-compassion) and coping styles (emotional/detached, avoidant and rational) in three different groups of couples: 120 fertile couples(FG), 147 couples with an infertility diagnosis who were pursuing medical treatment for their fertility problem(s) (IG), and 59 couples with infertility applying for adoption (AG). Study design: Cross-sectional survey, using the couple as unit of analysis. Main outcome measures: Participants filled in paper-pencil questionnaires assessing coping styles, psychological inflexibility/experiential avoidance, self-judgment and self-compassion. Results: IG couples, and particularly women, tend to use more experiential avoidance and self-judgment mechanisms and less emotional/detached coping style. When compared to FG couples, IG and AG couples tend to apply more avoidant coping strategies. AG couples showed higher self-compassion. Conclusions: Findings suggest that emotion regulation processes may be an important target in psycho-logical interventions for patients dealing with infertility and with the demands of medical treatment.
- ItemGalhardo - Anxiety Disorders and Somatoform Disorders; Depression; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Personality and Personality Disorders -17 -2706(25th European Congress of Psychiatry, 2017-04) Galhardo, Ana; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Cunha, Marina
- ItemHow Does the Mindfulness-Based Program for Infertility (MBPI) Work in Reducing Depressive Symptoms?(Springer, 2017-09) Galhardo, Ana; Moura-Ramos, Mariana; Cunha, Marina; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséMindfulness-based approaches have been applied and proved efficient in reducing symptoms related to several health problems. To our knowledge, the Mindfulness-Based Program for Infertility (MBPI) was the first mindfulness program developed specifically to target women facing infertility. This psychological intervention program was previously shown to be effective in reducing depressive symptoms in women facing infertility, but the underlying mechanisms were not clarified. The current study aimed to test whether the decrease of depressive symptoms could be explained by the increase of self-efficacy following the MBPI. The MBPI included 10 weekly sessions, in a group format, with the duration of about 2 h each and was applied to five groups (10 to 15 participants in each group). Fifty-five women completed the MBPI, and 37 women were assigned to a control group. All participants presented an infertility diagnosis and were pursuing medical treatment for this condition. Standardized measures of depression and infertility self-efficacy were collected pre and post MBPI. A significant indirect effect was found, showing that the MBPI intervention reduced the depressive symptoms of women with infertility by increasing their perceptions of self-efficacy. In summary, the promotion of infertility self-efficacy may be considered a key component of psychological interventions targeting depressive symptoms in women facing infertility.
- ItemInventário de Comportamentos de Risco e Auto-dano para Adolescentes(2011) Xavier, Ana; Cunha, Marina; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséThe RTSHIA is a self-report questionnaire that assesses simultaneously risk-taking and self-harm behaviors. This questionnaire includes two subscales assessing separately risk-taking behaviors and self-injurious behaviors. The items contain the word intentionally, or end with the phrase to hurt yourself or to hurt or punish yourself and are rated on a 4-point scale (0 = never; 3 = many times), referring to the lifelong history.
- ItemInventário Obsessivo de Coimbra (IOC)(Psychologica, 2008) Galhardo, Ana; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséCARACTERIZAÇÃO: Instrumento de autorresposta, constituído por 50 itens, que avaliam os sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos quer no que respeita à sua frequência (Escala de Frequência – IOC-F) quer relativamente ao nível de perturbação emocional causada pelos mesmos (Escala de Perturbação Emocional – IOC-PE). || ESTRUTURA E COTAÇÃO: constituído por duas escalas (frequência e perturbação emocional) e utiliza uma escala de resposta do tipo Likert de 5 pontos. No IOC-F, os sujeitos avaliam a frequência dos sintomas da seguinte forma: “0 – Nunca me acontece”, “1 – Acontece-me algumas vezes”, “2 – Acontece-me bastantes vezes”, “3 – Acontece-me muitas Vezes” e “4 – Acontece-me sempre”. No IOC-PE, os sujeitos avaliam o grau de perturbação emocional da seguinte forma: “0 – Não me perturba absolutamente nada”, “1 – Perturba-me um pouco”, “2 – Perturba-me bastante”, “3 – Perturba-me muito” e “4 – Perturba-me muitíssimo”. O IOC é constituído por 12 subescalas: 1 – Obsessões de contaminação/Compulsões de lavagem (itens 1 a 8); 2 – Compulsões de verificação repetida (itens 14, 15, 16, 21 e 40); 3 – Dúvida/Indecisão (itens 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 e 50); 4 – Pensamentos intrusivos incontroláveis/Rituais cobertos (itens 17, 27, 28, 29, 30 e 35); 5 – Pensamento mágico (itens 43, 44, 45 e 49); 6 – Lentidão/Repetição (itens 31, 32, 33, 34 e 36); 7 – Necessidade de controlo (itens 42, 47 e 48); 8 – Necessidade de ordem/Simetria (itens 37 a 39); 9 – Compulsões de coleção/Poupança (itens 22 e 41); 10 – Obsessões/Compulsões religiosas (itens 23, 24 e 46); 11 – Obsessões somáticas (itens 25 e 26) e 12 – Impulsos obsessivos/agressivos (itens 18 a 20). O resultado de cada uma das 2 escalas (IOC-F e IOC-PE) obtém-se através da soma dos itens constituintes, em que a cotação mínima é de “0” e a máxima de “200”. || CARACTERÍSTICAS PSICOMÉTRICAS: apresenta uma consistência interna total muito boa (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,97), assim como a Escala IOC-Frequência (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,93) e a escala IOC-Perturbação Emocional (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,96). || PONTO DE CORTE: uma pontuação total de 126,5 permite a discriminação entre sujeitos com POC e controlos normais, enquanto uma pontuação de 125,5 possibilita a distinção entre sujeitos com POC e indivíduos com um diagnóstico de outras perturbações de ansiedade.
- ItemInventário Obsessivo de Coimbra – Versão Reduzida (IOC-R)(2018) Galhardo, Ana; Anastácio, Susana; Cunha, Marina; Massano-Cardoso, Ilda; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséThe COI-SV is intended to assess the emotional disturbance associated with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The COI-SV includes 19 items, and five subscales "Contamination/Washing", "Indecision/Slowness", "Repeated Checking/Hoarding", "Immoral Content" and "Magic Thinking". The confirmatory analysis conducted in a sample of 338 participants revealed a good fit to the 5-factor model. The COI-SV showed an excellent reliability (Cronbach's α = .93). E-mail:
- ItemInventário Obsessivo de Coimbra – versão reduzida (IOC-R): Desenvolvimento e propriedades psicométricas(Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra - FPCEUC, 2020-07-28) Galhardo, Ana; Anastácio, Susana; Cunha, Marina; Massano-Cardoso, Ilda; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséO Inventário Obsessivo de Coimbra (IOC) é um instrumento de autorresposta que integra duas escalas de 50 itens cada, que avaliam a frequência e o grau de perturbação emocional de sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos. Dado que se trata de um instrumento longo, a criação de uma versão reduzida (IOC-R) e estudo das suas características psicométricas constituíram os objetivos do presente estudo. Após alcançada uma versão do IOC-R composta por 19 itens, repartidos por cinco subescalas – “Contaminação/Lavagem”, “Indecisão/Lentidão”, “Verificação repetida/Acumulação”, “Conteúdos imorais” e “Pensamento mágico” –, realizou-se a análise fatorial confirmatória do modelo pentafatorial numa amostra de 338 sujeitos da população geral. O modelo testado revelou uma boa qualidade de ajustamento. A análise da sua consistência interna mostrou-se excelente. A fidedignidade teste-reteste foi indicadora de uma estabilidade temporal adequada. O IOC-R apresentou uma correlação forte com o Inventário de Pádua, que também avalia a sintomatologia obsessivo-compulsiva, e correlações moderadas com as Escalas de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress. Como tal, o IOC-R apresenta-se como um instrumento de autorresposta válido e fidedigno, de administração rápida, podendo ser utilizado, quer em contextos clínicos, quer de investigação. / The Coimbra Obsessive Inventory is a self-report instrument encompassing two 50-items scales aimed to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms frequency and emotional disturbance/ discomfort. Being a long instrument, the development of a reduced version was considered relevant. Thus, the current study aimed to develop a short version of the Coimbra Obsessive Inventory (IOC-R), and explore its psychometric characteristics. According to psychometric criteria, the IOC-R included 19 items, distributed by five subscales – “Contamination/Washing”, “Indecision/Slowness”, “Repeated checking/Hoarding”, “Immoral content” and “Magical thinking”. Confirmatory factorial analysis of the IOC-R 5-factor model was conducted in a sample of 338 individuals from the general population. Fit indexes showed that the model presented a good fit to the data. Analysis of IOC-R internal consistency proved to be excellent. Test-retest reliability was indicative of adequate temporal stability. Furthermore, the IOC-R revealed a strong correlation with the Padua Inventory, which also assesses obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and moderate correlations with the Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scales. To sum, the IOC-R may be a valid and reliable self-report instrument, easy to use, both in clinical and research settings.
- ItemMeasuring Self-Efficacy to Deal With Infertility: Psychometric Properties and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Portuguese Version of the Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale(Wiley, 2013-02) Galhardo, Ana; Cunha, Marina; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséThis study explores the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Portuguese version of the Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale (ISE-P), using translation and back-translation of the original version; principal component analysis; confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); and internal consistency, and test–retest reliability analyses. A total of 287 participants (156 women and 131 men) seeking medical treatment were recruited from public and private fertility centers. CFA revealed that the single-component model fit the data well. The instrument showed excellent internal consistency, good test–retest reliability, and correlations with other mental health measures suggesting good convergent and discriminant validity. In conclusion, The ISE-P is a valid and reliable Portuguese-language measure of perceived self-efficacy to cope with infertility.
- ItemMedida de Mindfulness para Crianças e Adolescentes(2013) Cunha, Marina; Galhardo, Ana; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséCAMM is a single-factor self-report measure, presenting an adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability. It includes 10 items and all of the items are reverse scored. Total scores on the CAMM were computed by summing the responses to the 10 items, yielding a possible range of 0-40.
- ItemPortuguese Version of the Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale [Escala de Auto-eficácia para Lidar com a Infertilidade (ISE-P)](Research in Nursing & Health, 2013-09) Galhardo, Ana; Cunha, Marina; Pinto-Gouveia, JoséCHARACTERIZATION: is a selfreport instrument aimed at assessing infertile patients’ perception of their capability to use their own cognitive, emotional, and behavioral abilities for dealing with the infertility diagnosis and medical treatment. || STRUCTURE AND SCORING: Subjects are asked to rate on a 9-point scale the degree in which they think they feel confident. The 16 items converged in a single-component of ‘‘cognitive/affect regulation’’ accounting for 55.55% of total variance. The answer to the items is on an ordinal scale, in Likert format, of nine positions, from 1 = Absolutely not confident to 9 = Totally confident. || PSICOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS: The ISE-P presented an excellent internal consistency, with a Cronbach alpha of 0.96. Significant differences were found between men and women (t = 6.95; p < 0.001). Men presented higher levels of self-efficacy to deal with infertility (M = 106.05; SD = 21.92) when compared to their female partners (M = 86.49; SD = 25.21).