Estudo da Ideação Suicida em Adolescentes com Consumo de Álcool
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Cabete, Ana Luísa Torres
Esteves, Maria de Fátima Lapa (Orientadora)
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Este estudo exploratório visa abordar a ideação suicida na adolescência e a importância desta etapa que precede a fase adulta, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento psicológico, físico e social com o intuito do sentimento de bem-estar centrado na harmonia, ou seja, na saúde mental.
Na adolescência, experienciam-se várias modificações, e as alterações afectivas podem ser vivenciadas com sofrimento extremo e conduzir à ideação suicida.
Sendo diversos os factores que podem ser precipitadores, foi dada especial atenção ao
consumo de álcool.
A amostra de 333 adolescentes da Escola Secundária Dr. Bernardino Machado, pertencentes ao 10º, 11º e 12º ano foi submetida a um questionário constituído por uma recolha de dados sócio-demográficos, o BSI e a escala CAGE.
Após a recolha de dados e o seu tratamento estatístico, verificámos que dos 329 estudantes apenas 6 associaram o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas à ideação suicida; o consumo é feito predominantemente na companhia de amigos; a bebida de eleição é a cerveja; existindo 29 jovens que designamos de bebedores de risco. /
This exploratory study aims to address suicidal ideation in adolescence, and the importance of this stage that precedes adulthood, namely in the psychological, physical and social development, with the purpose of a sense of well-being focused on harmony, i.e. mental health. During adolescence, various changes are experienced, and the occurrence of emotional changes can be experienced with extreme suffering, and lead to suicidal ideation. Several factors may be precipitators, however special attention was given to the consumption of alcohol. The sample of 333 adolescents of the Secondary School Dr. Bernardino Machado, belonging to the 10th, 11th and 12th grades of education was subjected to a questionnaire consisting of a collection of sociodemographic data, the BSI and the CAGE scale. After data collection and its statistics proceedings, we verified that of the 329 students only 6 associated the consumption of alcoholic beverages with suicidal ideation, noting that consumption is predominantly done in the company of friends and the beverage of choice is beer. There are 29 young people to whom we ascribe the designation of drinkers at risk.
This exploratory study aims to address suicidal ideation in adolescence, and the importance of this stage that precedes adulthood, namely in the psychological, physical and social development, with the purpose of a sense of well-being focused on harmony, i.e. mental health. During adolescence, various changes are experienced, and the occurrence of emotional changes can be experienced with extreme suffering, and lead to suicidal ideation. Several factors may be precipitators, however special attention was given to the consumption of alcohol. The sample of 333 adolescents of the Secondary School Dr. Bernardino Machado, belonging to the 10th, 11th and 12th grades of education was subjected to a questionnaire consisting of a collection of sociodemographic data, the BSI and the CAGE scale. After data collection and its statistics proceedings, we verified that of the 329 students only 6 associated the consumption of alcoholic beverages with suicidal ideation, noting that consumption is predominantly done in the company of friends and the beverage of choice is beer. There are 29 young people to whom we ascribe the designation of drinkers at risk.
Adolescência - Adolescence, Saúde mental - Mental health, Álcool - Alcohol, Ideação suicida - Suicide ideation