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    Quadro de Análise da Gestão da Inovação para Instituições de Ensino Superior: aplicação em um estudo de caso
    (Arquivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas, 2017-10-02) Machado, Diego de Queiroz; Matos, Fátima Regina Ney; Sena, Augusto Marcos Carvalho de; Ipiranga, Ana Silvia Rocha
    A partir do início do século XXI, alguns trabalhos têm sido desenvolvidos no sentido de possibilitar um maior desenvolvimento da gestão da inovação nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). Esse processo, contudo, é abordado geralmente apenas no nível conceitual. Avançando nesse contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a gestão da inovação em uma IES, com foco em suas atividades e capacidades tecnológicas, a partir da aplicação de um novo quadro de análise. Foi utilizado o estudo de caso como método de pesquisa, sendo o caso selecionado a Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor). Com a análise das atividades tecnológicas da IES, foi possível compreender o seu atual nível de desenvolvimento, destacando sua s atividades mais desenvolvidas e analisando as limitações percebidas em termos de capacidades. De forma geral, esta análise da gestão da inovação a partir das atividades e capacidades tecnológicas demonstra a aplicabilidade e a importância de investigações que considerem as IES como agente tão importante para os sistemas de inovação. | Some academic works aiming to ease the development of innovation management in higher education teaching institutions have been elaborated since the beginnings of the 21st century. However, this process has been approached at the conceptual level only. Advancing in this context this paper aims to analyze innovation management at a higher education teaching institution, focusing on its technological activities and capabilities via the application of a new analytical frame. As methodological approach this work is a case study having the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR as the case. By analyzing UNIFOR technological activities we were able to understand its current level of development, highlighting the most developed activities as well as its perceived limitations in terms of capabilities. To conclude we can emphasize that the analysis of innovation management conceiving technological activities and capabilities evidence the applicability and relevance of empirical studies considering higher education institutions as important operators on innovation systems. | A partir de principios del siglo XXI, algunos trabajos han sido desarrollados en el sentido de posibilitar un mayor desarrollo de la gestión de la innovación en las Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior (IES). Este proceso, sin embargo, se aborda generalmente sólo en el nivel conceptual. En este contexto, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la gestión de la innovación en una IES, con foco en sus actividades y capacidades tecnológicas, a partir de la aplicación de un nuevo marco de análisis. Se utilizó el estudio de caso como método de investigación, siendo el caso seleccionado la Universidad de Fortaleza (Unifor). Con el análisis de las actividades tecnológicas de la IES, fue posible comprender su actual nivel de desarrollo, destacando sus actividades más desarrolladas y analizando las limitaciones percibidas en términos de capacidades. En general, este análisis de la gestión de la innovación a partir de las actividades y capacidades tecnológicas demuestra la aplicabilidad y la importancia de investigaciones que consideren a las IES como un agente tan importante para los sistemas de innovación.
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    What do Portuguese Women Know about Fertility Preservation Options? (Abstract)
    (Oxford Academic, 2023-06) Galhardo, Ana; Nunes, Tatiana; Moniz, Soraia; Massano-Cardoso, Ilda; Cunha, Marina
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    The Multiplicity of Facets of Contemporary Femininity in High Fashion Blogs
    (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2017-01) Mesquita, Rafael Fernandes de; Matos, Fátima Regina Ney; Sena, Augusto Marcos Carvalho de; Leite, Kátia Cristina Tofoli
    Purpose: Analyze the makeup of contemporary femininities through in-depth research into how a group of assiduous readers of high fashion blogs produces meanings about themselves and the social relationships in which they are involved. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: The study advances in the understanding of how social relationships are complex complexions and blogs, tools of virtual publication of the content of daily activities of their idealizers, in new spaces influencing the construction of the subjectivity of individuals or even understanding them as contemporary forms of organization. Key methodological aspects: Qualitative study with data collected from virtual observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. Summary of key results: The high-fashion blog as a business organization with a profile of readers presenting common interests and characteristics, in addition to the emergence of femininity as a multifaceted complex of characteristics both near as distant from the old public roles played by women. Key considerations/conclusions: The conception of the blog conjectures as a digital locus where social interactions and market relations are possible. The study also allowed bringing the debate of postmodern feminist approaches to the field of organizational studies, reaffirming the intermittent character of the subjective constitution of the feminine gender in the contemporary emancipatory perspective.
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    A Revolução dos Bichos: papel das fontes de poder em situações de conflito
    (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2020-06-02) Machado, Diego de Queiroz; Garcia, Editinete André da Rocha; Cabral, Augusto César de Aquino; Matos, Fátima Regina Ney
    Situando-se dentro da abordagem foucaultiana de poder e tendo em vista avançar no exame das relações de poder em um sistema social, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o impacto das principais fontes de poder em situações de conflito. Para tanto, optou-se pela utilização de uma abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada na técnica de estudo observacional em linguagem fílmica, tendo como fonte de dados narrativos o filme A Revolução dos Bichos. Dentre as fontes de poder apresentadas, destacou-se o papel dos símbolos de poder como elementos ratificadores e fortalecedores das relações de poder estabelecidas, sendo utilizados, desse modo, por humanos e animais. Além do papel dos símbolos, foram também considerados como fontes de relações de poder a autoridade formal, o controle do conhecimento e da informação, a habilidade de lidar com incertezas, controle da tecnologia, controle das contra-organizações e o poder que já se tem, tendo em vista que podem ser fortemente observados no filme analisado. | It is situating in Foucault’s approach to power and in order to advance the examination of power relationships in a social system, this study aims to analyze the impact of the main sources of power in conflict situations. Therefore, was chose to use a qualitative approach, based on observational technique in film language, and as a source of narrative data the movie Animal Farm. Among the sources of power presented, the role of the symbols of power as ratifying and strengthening elements of established power relations was highlighted, being used, therefore, by humans and animals. In addition to the role of symbols, formal authority, the control of knowledge and information, the ability to deal with uncertainty, control of technology, control of counter-organizations, and the power already held, considering that they can be strongly observed in the analyzed film.
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    The Unequal City: A Critical Reflection Through a Collaborative Project
    (Springer, 2024) Castro, Mariana Simões de; Costa, Maria Luísa; Cuenca, Lorena; Saes, Joana
    This paper follows a methodology of literature review about cities and education and presents a report concerning the work developed as part of a Blended Intensive Program—BIP, which took place this academic year at the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Castelló in Valença, Spain, in collaboration with the Communication Design course of the Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Coimbra, Portugal and the Illustration Course of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Catania, Italy. In developing the BIP, a methodological teaching approach was used, inspired by Freire’s thought and based on Heidegger’s thought. This article aims to reflect on 1) what the intervention of citizens should be in building more equitable cities, which we have drawn on the thinking of Heidegger, Lefebvre, Harvey, and Bachelard; 2) how the methodological practices used, based on Freire’s thinking, contribute to the development of critical thinking in students about today’s cities and provide them with the tools to play a more active role in society and in building a future with more equitable and sustainable cities, following the eleventh Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda.