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    Colour Applied to TEACCH and Snoezelen Rooms and Therapies
    (Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa, 2019-03-15) Saes, Joana
    How can colour be used in therapy rooms and in therapies? Colour is known to have influence in human behaviour, through the interaction between colour wavelengths and sensory stimuli in the environment, subconsciously influencing the human mind. A therapeutic space requires specific characteristics regarding the exercises to perform in such space as well as the participants involved. Colour is also considered as an ‘international language’ allowing people to express their preferences, their choices, and their emotions. Throughout the research we have attempted to answer the following questions: How can colour, introduced in games, equipment, objects, images and projections, be used as a teaching tool in a TEACCH room, as opposed to a Snoezelen room? How does a therapist work on specific skills with autistic children in a structured therapy environment such as TEACCH, in comparison to a non-directive therapy environment such as Soezelen? Research results indicate that colour is used in diverse ways in both environments, being the major differences the way in which it is introduced to the children, the objectives it aims, as well as the use of light in connection with the equipment.
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    Design in a Context of Social Equity: concerning therapy rooms in schools
    (AHFE International, 2022) Saes, Joana; Guerreiro, Augusto
    This paper, suggests a contemplation on the vital importance that design represents for the human being as an integrating factor in society, enabling safe therapeutic spaces in schools, aiming for social equity, in the context of the SARS CoV2 pandemic. Furthermore, we look upon the increase of mental disorders (anxiety and depression) among students, caused by quarantines, and how this could lead to greater demand for therapy spaces in schools. We also analyze examples of existing therapy rooms, and one project for a room, to be implemented in the same inclusive school. Reflecting on a concept of social design, from the observational point of view, of sensoriocognitive comfort, in their contemplation of the hypothetical, revitalizing and multisensory ergonomic enjoyment of its collective well-being.
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    Anthropomorphism in Artificial Intelligence: a game-changer for brand marketing
    (Springer, 2025-01-15) Gomes, Sofia; Lopes, João M.; Nogueira, Elisabete
    The expansion of brands adopting artificial intelligence services with human characteristics, such as chatbots, has revolutionized digital marketing strategies, transforming how companies reach and engage customers. This technological innovation is reshaping digital interactions between companies and consumers, offering a more personalized and efficient experience. This study explores the influence of chatbot anthropomorphism on customer engagement and purchasing decision-making with brands that use this artificial intelligence service. Data from a questionnaire with 1319 participants was analyzed using partial least squares method. Chatbot anthropomorphism has a more positive influence on purchasing decision-making when this relationship is mediated by customer engagement. In turn, customer involvement also has a positive influence on decision-making. The results emphasize that for a greater influence of the chatbot's anthropomorphism on purchasing decision-making, the customer must first be engaged with the chatbot. This research illuminates a new path in the domain of AI-enabled brand interactions, showing the distinct influence of anthropomorphism in chatbots on customer satisfaction, trust and loyalty, thus revolutionizing traditional paradigms of consumer-brand engagement and decision-making processes. By exploring the intricate dynamics between customer engagement with anthropomorphized chatbots and purchasing decisions, this study breaks new ground, offering unprecedented insight into the transformative potential of human-like chatbot interactions in shaping consumer behavior and brand relationships.
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    AI’s Invisible Touch: how effortless browsing shapes customer perception, experience and engagement in online retail
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024-12-14) Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia; Nogueira, Elisabete; Trancoso, Tiago
    This study explores the influence of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled ease of use on customer perception, experience, and engagement in online retail stores. Through a quantitative analysis of 1438 responses from Portuguese consumers, the research reveals that AI-enabled ease of use positively influences customers’ perceived control, concentration, and cognitive enjoyment while browsing online stores. These perceptions, in turn, contribute to the elicitation of awe, which is found to be a crucial mediating factor in the relationship between customer perceptions and purchase intention. The study highlights the significant role of awe in strengthening the link between customer perceptions and purchase intent, rendering previously non-significant direct effects statistically significant. The findings offer valuable implications for online retailers seeking to leverage AI technologies to enhance customer experiences and drive sales. By prioritizing ease of use, cognitive enjoyment, and perceived control, and strategically leveraging the mediating role of awe, retailers can create engaging and memorable online shopping experiences that ultimately translate to increased customer satisfaction and purchase intention.
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    Quadro de Análise da Gestão da Inovação para Instituições de Ensino Superior: aplicação em um estudo de caso
    (Arquivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas, 2017-10-02) Machado, Diego de Queiroz; Matos, Fátima Regina Ney; Sena, Augusto Marcos Carvalho de; Ipiranga, Ana Silvia Rocha
    A partir do início do século XXI, alguns trabalhos têm sido desenvolvidos no sentido de possibilitar um maior desenvolvimento da gestão da inovação nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). Esse processo, contudo, é abordado geralmente apenas no nível conceitual. Avançando nesse contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a gestão da inovação em uma IES, com foco em suas atividades e capacidades tecnológicas, a partir da aplicação de um novo quadro de análise. Foi utilizado o estudo de caso como método de pesquisa, sendo o caso selecionado a Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor). Com a análise das atividades tecnológicas da IES, foi possível compreender o seu atual nível de desenvolvimento, destacando sua s atividades mais desenvolvidas e analisando as limitações percebidas em termos de capacidades. De forma geral, esta análise da gestão da inovação a partir das atividades e capacidades tecnológicas demonstra a aplicabilidade e a importância de investigações que considerem as IES como agente tão importante para os sistemas de inovação. | Some academic works aiming to ease the development of innovation management in higher education teaching institutions have been elaborated since the beginnings of the 21st century. However, this process has been approached at the conceptual level only. Advancing in this context this paper aims to analyze innovation management at a higher education teaching institution, focusing on its technological activities and capabilities via the application of a new analytical frame. As methodological approach this work is a case study having the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR as the case. By analyzing UNIFOR technological activities we were able to understand its current level of development, highlighting the most developed activities as well as its perceived limitations in terms of capabilities. To conclude we can emphasize that the analysis of innovation management conceiving technological activities and capabilities evidence the applicability and relevance of empirical studies considering higher education institutions as important operators on innovation systems. | A partir de principios del siglo XXI, algunos trabajos han sido desarrollados en el sentido de posibilitar un mayor desarrollo de la gestión de la innovación en las Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior (IES). Este proceso, sin embargo, se aborda generalmente sólo en el nivel conceptual. En este contexto, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la gestión de la innovación en una IES, con foco en sus actividades y capacidades tecnológicas, a partir de la aplicación de un nuevo marco de análisis. Se utilizó el estudio de caso como método de investigación, siendo el caso seleccionado la Universidad de Fortaleza (Unifor). Con el análisis de las actividades tecnológicas de la IES, fue posible comprender su actual nivel de desarrollo, destacando sus actividades más desarrolladas y analizando las limitaciones percibidas en términos de capacidades. En general, este análisis de la gestión de la innovación a partir de las actividades y capacidades tecnológicas demuestra la aplicabilidad y la importancia de investigaciones que consideren a las IES como un agente tan importante para los sistemas de innovación.