Managing Organizational Culture in a Process of Change in the Strategic Map of the Ceara State Treasury Secretariat

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Pinheiro, Ana Paula Bezerra
Mesquita, Rafael Fernandes de
Matos, Fátima Regina Ney
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Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict
The objective of the present study is to understand the organizational culture management in a process of change in the strategic map of the Ceara state treasury department in Brazil (Secretaria de Fazenda do Estado do Ceara). The theoretical framework places culture in organizational studies, approaches culture and organizational change from the perspective of the Schein’s model, and deals with culture in Brazilian public organizations. Methodologically, the qualitative approach was used and a case study was carried out. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven contested servers in December 2014, direct observation and documentary analysis, with subsequent triangulation. The results indicate that there is still resistance to the new strategy, and the collection culture is still well rooted in the organizational culture.
Pinheiro, A. P. B. ; Mesquita, R. ; Matos, F. R. N. (2017). Managing organizational culture in a process of change in the strategic map of the Ceará state Treasury Secretariat. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, v. 21, p. 102-117.