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- ItemViolência Doméstica, Lei Maria da Penha e os Fatores Que Influenciam a Denúncia(New Trends in Qualitative Research, 2023-09) Souza, Josiane Pinheiro Prestes de; Matos, Fátima Regina Ney; Prestes, Ivanez PinheiroIntrodução: As situações de violência no âmbito conjugal resultam numa diversidade de consequências e danos físicos, psicológicos, relacionais e nos casos mais graves, poderão conduzir à incapacitação, temporária ou permanente, da vítima ou, mesmo, à sua morte. A Lei Maria da Penha, dispõe a respeito da criação de mecanismos para coibir a violência doméstica e familiar contra mulher; trata também da Convenção sobre a Eliminação de Todas as Formas de Discriminação contra as Mulheres e da Convenção Interamericana para Prevenir, Punir e Erradicar a Violência contra a Mulher. Dispõe ainda a respeito da criação dos Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra Mulher e promove alteração no Código Penal e na lei de Execução Penal a respeito da punição da violência contra a mulher. Objetivo: Identificar e compreender os fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisão da vítima em denunciar atos de violência doméstica. Especificamente pretende-se verificar o conhecimento dos recursos disponíveis à vítima de violência doméstica, bem como analisar se tais recursos influenciam na decisão da vítima denunciar o agressor. Método: Foi feita uma pesquisa qualitativa básica, com a participação de 12 mulheres que se identificaram como vítimas de violência doméstica. Foi utilizada como técnica de colheita a entrevista semiestruturada e para o tratamento dos dados, foi feita análise categorial. Resultados: Das entrevistadas, quatro mulheres não denunciaram o agressor, uma destas saiu de casa e preferiu não denunciar. As que denunciaram, o fizeram por diferentes motivos, como traição, agressão na presença de filhos, medo de perder os filhos, entre outros. Conclusões. Os fatores apontados estão relacionados com a dependência financeira e emocional e por descrédito na justiça. | Introduction: Situations of domestic violence result in a variety of consequences and physical, psychological and relational damage and, in the most serious cases, may lead to temporary or permanent incapacitation of the victim or even death. The Maria da Penha Law provides for the creation of mechanisms to curb domestic and family violence against women; it also deals with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women. It also provides for the creation of Courts for Domestic and Family Violence against Women and promotes changes to the Penal Code and the Criminal Execution law regarding the punishment of violence against women. Objective: Identify and understand the factors that influence the victim's decision-making in reporting acts of domestic violence. Specifically, the aim is to verify knowledge of the resources available to victims of domestic violence, as well as to analyze whether such resources influence the victim's decision to report the aggressor. Method: Basic qualitative research was carried out, with the participation of 12 women who identified themselves as victims of domestic violence. A semi-structured interview was used as a collection technique and categorical analysis was carried out to process the data. Results: Of those interviewed, four women did not report the aggressor, one of these left homes and preferred not to report it. Those who reported it did so for different reasons, such as betrayal, aggression in the presence of children, fear of losing their children, among others. Conclusions. The factors highlighted are related to financial and emotional dependence and discredit in justice.
- ItemDigital Financial Knowledge Scale (DFKS): Insights from a Developing Economy(International Journal of Financial Studies : MDPI, 2024-12-02) Vieira, Kelmara Mendes; Matheis, Taiane Keila; Lehnhart, Eliete dos Reis; Tavares, Fernando OliveiraThis work aims to create and validate the digital financial knowledge scale (DFKS). Three studies were carried out, including a focus group, expert validation, pre-testing, and the application of item response theory. From these procedures, two versions of the scale were constructed and validated. An evaluation and classification methodology was proposed. Two versions for measuring digital financial knowledge are presented. The long version is composed of 40 items and the short version has 26 items. Applying the proposed methodology, it is possible to classify the level of digital financial knowledge as low, intermediate, or high. The DFKS can be useful for both financial system agents and governments and researchers, who can use it in different contexts. In the banking sector, identifying the level of digital financial knowledge can reduce risks, as losses suffered by clients due to an uninformed adoption of digital banking services break the relationship of trust and can lead to lower financial inclusion.
- ItemRunning Towards a Better Brand Attitude: How Gamifcation in Nike Run Club Can Help?(Springer Nature, 2024-12-11) Lopes, João M.; Silva, Luis Filipe; Massano-Cardoso, Ilda; Galhardo, AnaThe dynamics of the knowledge-based economy are intrinsically linked to the con cept of gamifcation, which has been increasingly discussed in the context of companies’ marketing strategies. It is therefore necessary to understand how gamifcation can be strategically applied in diferent contexts to increase the performance and competitiveness of companies. This paper aimed to analyze how gamifcation impacts customers’ intention to participate in the gamifcation process and how this strategy infuences customers’ attitudes towards the brand. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted in a sample of 238 Portuguese consumers using the Nike Run Club application. The study revealed that gamifcation can be an efective tool to increase users’ interaction with brands. Perceived usefulness, perceived social infuence, engagement intention and gamifcation performance were identifed as the main predictors of gamifcation on brand attitude. Furthermore, social interaction is a key factor for the success of game systems, which should promote interaction between communities of players to share functionality and solve task problems. It was observed that attitude towards the brand is positively infuenced by factors such as usefulness, perceived ease of use, social infuence, intention to get involved, and gamifcation of performance, especially when these are mediated by the sensation of pleasure. This fnding points to the importance of these elements in shaping consumers’ perceptions of brands. To maximize engagement with brands, gamifcation tools should allow sharing content and tasks, promoting discussions and broadening the connection between the gamers community. It is important to consider technological resources and innovation in the design of gamifcation tools, as well as to meet the diferent expectations of consumers, allowing diferent tasks and high connection between diferent information-sharing channels. This study contributes to the development of knowledge in gamifcation on brand attitude. Practical implications have been suggested to guide companies in implementing a successful gamified marketing strategy.
- ItemA Importância da Cultura Organizacional na Gestão da Satisfação dos Trabalhadores de Três Serviços de Saúde Públicos(Departamento de Investigação & Desenvolvimento do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, 2022-04-08) Albino, Carla Sofia Rocha; Vidal, João Carlos de Almeida; Pescada, Susana Soares Pinheiro VieiraContexto e Objetivo: A relevância de uma investigação empírica no setor da saúde e em meio hospitalar surge do facto de estes serem contextos emergentes e complexos, onde a problemática do comportamento organizacional e, em particular da satisfação profissional, tem sido alvo de atenção por parte dos gestores. Torna-se assim premente a pluralidade de saberes e cooperação multidisciplinar de áreas científicas para uma melhor compreensão da importância da gestão da satisfação nas organizações de saúde. Apesar dos inúmeros fatores considerados críticos para o sucesso da gestão da satisfação, cingiu-se o estudo à cultura organizacional, procurando-se analisar o perfil e a sua relação com a gestão da satisfação dos trabalhadores de três serviços que integram um departamento de um hospital público de saúde. Método: O estudo, de natureza quantitativa e de corte transversal, assentou num fenómeno singular de características únicas — o Departamento de Ginecologia/Obstetrícia e Reprodução Humana de uma Unidade Hospitalar —, recorrendo ao Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), traduzido e adaptado para a língua portuguesa. O OCAI foi aplicado a 136 trabalhadores com cargos e funções profissionais distintas dos três serviços do departamento. O instrumento utilizado foi validado, apresentando boas qualidades psicométricas. Resultados: A perceção dos trabalhadores sobre os diferentes serviços do departamento evidenciou congruências em relação à cultura organizacional, reconhecendo que nos serviços predominam características das culturas Clã e Hierárquica. No entanto, as discrepâncias entre a cultura atual (vigente) e a cultura futura preferida (ideal) indicaram que os trabalhadores, apesar de desejarem manter essas culturas em determinadas dimensões, idealizaram trabalhar num ambiente organizacional com características das quatro tipologias culturais. Conclusão: Determinadas características da cultura organizacional devem ser reajustadas, pois podem influenciar na gestão da satisfação dos trabalhadores constituindo um fator crítico de sucesso dos três serviços de saúde públicos. / Background and Aim: The relevance of empirical research in the health sector and the hospital environment arises from the fact that these are emerging and complex contexts, where the problem of organizational behavior and, in particular, professional satisfaction, has been the focus of attention on the part of the managers. Thus, the plurality of knowledge and multidisciplinary cooperation of scientific areas becomes urgent for a better understanding of satisfaction management in health organizations. Despite the numerous factors considered critical for the success of satisfaction management, the study was limited to organizational culture, seeking to analyze the profile and its relationship with the management of worker satisfaction in three services that make up a department of a hospital health public. Method: The study was quantitative, cross-sectional, and based on a singular phenomenon with unique characteristics - the Department of Gynaecology/Obstetrics and Human Reproduction of a Hospital Unit -, using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument(OCAI), translated and adapted for the Portuguese language. The OCAIwas applied to 136 workers with different professional positions and functions from the three services of the department. The instrument used was validated, showing good psychometric qualities. Results: The workers' perception of the different services of the hospital showed congruences concerning the organizational culture, recognizing that characteristics of the Clan and Hierarchical cultures predominated in the services. However, the discrepancies between the current culture (current) and the preferred future culture (ideal) indicated that the workers, despite wanting to maintain these cultures in specific dimensions, idealized working in an organizational environment with characteristics of the four cultural typologies. Conclusion: Specific characteristics of the organizational culture must be readjusted, as they can influence the management of worker satisfaction, constituting a critical success factor for the three public health services.
- ItemAntecedentes do Empenhamento Organizacional em Trabalhadores Não-docentes: estudo de caso numa instituição de ensino superior(Departamento de Investigação & Desenvolvimento do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, 2022-10-02) Cordeiro, João Pedro; Cunha, Pedro; Lourenço, Abílio AfonsoObjetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os níveis de empenhamento organizacional e a relação entre o empenhamento e as variáveis sociodemográficas dos profissionais, em contexto de ensino superior. O empenhamento é um aspeto crítico do desempenho individual e um alicerce fundamental do desenvolvimento das organizações. Como é gerido e a interrelação que estabelece com as caraterísticas pessoais tem sido área de desenvolvimento em vários estudos. Métodos: O estudo foi de natureza quantitativa e possuiu um corte transversal, através da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário a 127 trabalhadores não-docentes de uma instituição de ensino superior. O inquérito por questionário foi validado, apresentando boas qualidades psicométricas. Resultados: As hipóteses que sistematizaram as especificações entre as componentes do empenhamento e as variáveis idade, habilitações acadêmicas e categoria profissional foram confirmadas em algumas das suas várias subalíneas, revelando-se determinantes no modo como os indivíduos se encontram empenhados organizacionalmente. As hipóteses que orientaram as especificações entre as componentes do empenhamento e as variáveis gênero e antiguidade não foram confirmadas, não existindo relação entre elas. Conclusões: Os trabalhadores estão empenhados com a instituição, ainda que com níveis diferentes, os quais são ancorados por algumas caraterísticas sociodemográficas. Tratou-se de um estudo pioneiro em contexto nacional entre os diferentes tipos de empenhamento organizacional e as variáveis sociodemográficas, em contexto de ensino superior. Contribuiu para a formulação de estratégias de gestão focadas no empenhamento organizacional, apoiando a formulação de sistemas baseados no comportamento organizacional. / Objective: This study aimed to analyze the levels of organizational engagement and the relationship between engagement and sociodemographic variables in the higher education context. Engagement is a critical aspect of individual performance and a fundamental building block of organizational development. The way it is managed and its interrelationship with personal characteristics have been the area of development inseveral studies. Methods: The study was quantitative and had a cross-sectional nature through the application of a questionnaire survey to 127 non-teaching employees from a higher education institution. The questionnaire survey was validated, showing good psychometric qualities. Results: The hypotheses that systematized the specifications between the engagement components and the age, academic qualifications, and professional position variables have been confirmed in some of their various sub-alignments and can therefore be considered as determining how individuals are organizationally engaged. The hypotheses that guided the specifications between the engagement components and the gender and seniority variables were not confirmed; therefore, there was no relationship between them. Conclusions: The non-teaching employees are engaged in the institution, although with various levels anchored by some sociodemographic characteristics. It was a pioneering study in a national context between the distinct types of organizational engagement and sociodemographic variables in the higher education context. It contributed to the formulation of management strategies focused on organizational commitment, supporting the formulation of systems based on organizational behavior.